When you click the docbundler you get "dbnull" error(image)

    - First check on the out-tray you do not have "account notes" ticked 

If this not checked and there is still an error, please check that all the documents can be opened properly in the out tray.

Some files, particularly old ones will have this file path highlighted.

We do not house these files at all digitally so if the paper is still available then they will need to be rescanned in and these old entries deleted.

Any files that do not open/show a preview will prevent the doc bundler from working.

If the doc bundler opens but says that the part of the path is not available then please check your Law Fusion verison.

Click the small down arrow next to the "?" symbol. 

then click "Abouton the very bottom.

if it 20.5.5 as below then your Law Fusion app needs updating, please email support@ for us to schedule in a time to do this update for you.